Yes, DNA is present in all living and once living cells.
The correct answer for above statement is:
<h3>A.Raise this issue at your monthly town council meetings and follow up on the progress</h3><h3>Explanation:</h3>
It is necessary that the committee is notified of the problem and there is a requirement to follow up on the process as well. The agreement of everyone concerned in this problem is considered quite important.So that issue should be raised at the council for the basic steps to carry out.
Answer: The family members, friends, neighbors, teachers, and other people to whom a child interact are the co-constructors.
Child ecosystem comprises of different social elements and personalities with whom the child is related and interact. The child may learn, and develop psychological skills and abilities through such interactions. The co-constructors of the Child's ecosystem involve members of the family, friends, teachers, neighbors they interact with child and the child gets negative and positive experiences with them.