True, because he was the one that created the printing press in 1440.The printing press also brought down the price of printed materials and made such materials available for the masses.
The concept of <u>Ethical Relativism</u> varies from society to society and deals with the perception of what constitutes right from wrong within that society.
The <u>Theory of Ethical Relativism</u> states that moral objectives are not true and also ,their is no absolute truth in ethics,what is morally wrong and right depends upon the society in which we live and it varies from the perception of one society to another .
<u>Perception</u> pertain to the perspective/point of view of an individual or a society.
Increased Energy.
Because the dehydration process concentrates calorie and sugar content, dried foods can offer a more effective energy boost than other snacks. Research shows that nutrients in dehydrated food are also more easily absorbed by our bodies, helping you feel more energized for longer.