The first 10 amendments are known as the Bill of Rights
Gifts were given for the edification of the body of Christ—when you edify someone with your gift, others will let you know. The first and foremost solution to motivating people to be in groups is prayer—a humble, radical crying out to God for help. Only God can motivate people to prioritize group life.
Think of ways that you can make it easier for these community members to participate. This will take some extra time, but imagine if you could sit down with someone who speaks a different language one-on-one and ask them to express their feelings about a specific topic to you using emojis, pictures or simply drawing like a game of Pictionary.
availability heuristic
An availability heuristic is a mechanism by which a person can easily form a conclusion of a situation. People are inclined to believe in the things that can be easily recalled, while other alternatives are not thought of. These memories are formed in the recent past.
Here, Jim watched a documentary about the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. When he thought about his flight to San Francisco he thought about the documentary first without thinking of anything else.
Hence, the statement here is referring to availability heuristic.
The correct answer is D: More police officers are killed by firearms than preschoolers
In normal sense, we see that the number of deaths of preschoolers resulting from firearms is greatly on the increase. We have experienced tragic gun shooting in schools and there is no way that the number of police officers killed by firearms would surpass this. Hence, according to the text, the false statement is to say that more police officers are killed than preschoolers, by firearm.