67 (number of pictures) x 8 (number of albums)
The Hundred Days Offensive Jul–Nov 1918 was the costliest
The Ludendorff offensive other wise known as the spring offensive was a German offensive on the Western Front intended to win the war before the American troops that had begun arriving in France could fully deploy.
I'm unsure of how far they advanced
Kaiserschlacht was the last German offensive and was a series of German attacks along the Western Front.
For well-off white professionals who were part of the Progressive movement, Keene writes, taking an interest in the war in Europe was part of becoming “citizens of the world.” Some of them formed the Committee for Relief in Belgium (CRB). True to the technocratic orientation of Progressivism, they tackled the problem of helping civilians in German-occupied areas in practical terms, negotiating with both Germany and Britain to allow shipments of food and clothing past their military forces.
Some other occupations was Black smiths , shoe makers and basket makers.
Have a nice day
Earliest human migrations and expansions of archaic and modern humans across continents began 2 million years ago with the migration out of Africa of Homo erectus. This was followed by the migrations of other pre-modern humans including H. heidelbergensis, the likely ancestor of both modern humans and Neanderthals. Finally, Homo sapiens ventured out of Africa around 100,000 years ago, spread across Asia around 60,000 years ago and arrived on new continents and islands since then.
Knowledge of early human migrations, a major topic of archeology, has been achieved by the study of human fossils, occasionally by stone-age artifacts and more recently has been assisted by archaeogenetics. Cultural and ethnic migrations are estimated by combining archaeogenetics and comparative linguistics.