<span>When examining how Rockefeller became successful, notice that he owned absolutely everything regarding the production and transportation. This means that the answer is C) Combined vertical and horizontal integration. He became a monopoly owner meaning he owned everything regarding the production of oil and didn't rely on anyone.</span><span />
This is in my opinion one of the aspects that makes the central courts and the different lines of thought within a single subject so interesting. The clash of ideas that we have in this case is a perfect example.
On one side we have those who look at the current 30 million uninsured Americans, which include millions in Texas, and the undeniable success it had in Massachusetts. Most of them conclude that this mandate is a government success.
On the other hand, we can find those who believe that this is a terrible invasion of the government to the citizen's free will to choose their own healthcare options, they see government overreach, and at the same time an unprecedented intrusion on individual liberties to which there is no justification.
Unfortunately this is something that millions of Americans have been forced into. It's evident how they refused to create a public health care system, and instead give more power to the private sector.
After this short debate of ideas, I will give you one question to ponder on: Which principle is more important? Your freedom, your civil liberties, and your freedom from the government line of thought, or the possibilty of providing health care to millions of uninsured Americans?
I hope this solves your question!
You mean what is hat with an X?
<em>D. Joint stock colony.</em>
<u>Here I will explain the different colonies and the answer to your question:</u>
<h3>Proprietary Colony</h3>
A proprietary colony is a colony that was given to a certain person or sometimes a group of people under the British crown. These people were called proprietors and they held power over the land in which they owned under the King.
<h3>Charter Colony</h3>
A charter colony is very similar to a proprietary colony, except it was governed by and used a royal charter. This made it so little to no interference from the British crown was present in the colony. Charter colonies were usually run by one person who would be the governor and the individuals of the colony could have a bit more freedom compared to other colonies.
<h3>Royal Colony</h3>
A royal colony is brought directly from the King himself. The King would make the rules overseas and send British government officials to go and run the colony for him. This made it so these colonies were usually used as profit for the British crown and many of the goods found under the Royal colony were sent to England.
<em><u>Joint Stock Colony</u></em></h3>
A joint stock colony, which your question is referencing to, was a colony brought directly from investors that were from England. Many companies would sponsor these adventures to current day America, in hopes of getting profit. Individuals would then travel and set up colonies in the New World, where they would then sell items and goods exclusive to that region to the investors who would then make profit.
The PYRAMIDS AND THE GREAT SPHINX rise inexplicably from the desert at Giza, relics of a vanished culture. They dwarf the approaching sprawl of modern Cairo, a city of 16 million. The largest pyramid, built for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2530 B.C. and intended to last an eternity, was until early in the twentieth century the biggest building on the planet. To raise it, laborers moved into position six and a half million tons of stone—some in blocks as large as nine tons—with nothing but wood and rope. During the last 4,500 years, the pyramids have drawn every kind of admiration and interest, ranging in ancient times from religious worship to grave robbery, and, in the modern era, from New-Age claims for healing "pyramid power" to pseudoscientific searches by "fantastic archaeologists" seeking hidden chambers or signs of alien visitations to Earth. As feats of engineering or testaments to the decades-long labor of tens of thousands, they have awed even the most sober observers.