Zenith Public School,
Ashok Vihar,
New Delhi, India.
20th July, 2020
The Globe Tours and Travel,
235 Nehru Place,
New Delhi, India.
I, Varsha Malhotra, the head girl of the above named school wish to contact you to make inquiries about the terms of a tour we are going to embark on. Our history teacher is organizing a tour for us in-order to show us historical sites at Agra, Jaipur and Chandigarh.
Based on this fact, I would like to know about the terms of service for the tour we are to be embarked on in-order to plan ourselves. How much would it take to convey 60 students to those places using your company's deluxe bus? The fare for the trip, boarding? And, also, do you have lodging in those places and how much does it cost per night for each person?
Additionally, we would like to know the total time the trip will take as well as the mode of payment for the trip? Do your company accept cash or can we pay through cheque?
Thank you as I look forward to your reply to my questions.
Yours sincerely,
Varsha Malhotra.
When writing to get a job or college application, you should be totally honest. Like, raely put a joke or anything "funny" in it. Because when you fill these out, whatever you put in them, has to be true. Ex: Because, for one, if you get to the job/college, and can't do what you said you could do in the application. Your gonna get fired, or kicked out of college(maybe). It would be very embarrassing, and you could loose whatever you had.
I hope this makes sense, and I hope it helps!! Good luck ;)
Theyou both showed patience and faithfulness throughout their time apart and together.
It compares a man to a bear without using like or as, so I believe it would be a metaphor.