The heart rate should be at least at 45 to 60 beats per minute after the chest compressions with ventilations started. It is because 45 to 60 is the correct beats when the individual is experiencing this kind of situation. If it exceed or is less, then he or she is in need of medical attention.
When a person is dehydrated, you can notice a drop in their breathing rate, their stamina, urination decreases, they become less aware, and their overall energy level decreases.
Once absorbed, amino acids travel from the small intestine via the portal vein to the liver.
It could be Eat but Idk A lot So Go with your gut
What doesn't limit the range of moton from the things which you've mentioned would be age. Age per se doesn't really limit the range of motion - while there are factors which negatively influence our range of motion and which are strongly correlated with age, it is hard to say that age itself would be the cause of a limited range of motion.