D. Limited Partnership
Sole proprietorship is business owned , run & managed by single owner. Partnership is a business owned , run & managed by small group of people - deciding to share its profits .
Entrepreneurs in these have Unlimited Liability on personal assets, in case business assets are insufficient to settle business liabilities .
Corporation is a separate legal entity, distinct from its huge group of owners , guided by a board of directors. In case of any claim / sue case : it is against corporate entity & not the people, so they don't have any unlimited liability risk on personal assets to fulfil company's claims .
Future value equals the present value multiplied by one plus the rate of interest in decimals.
Future value = present value x (1 + interest rate)
Interest rate = present value x interest rate
Answer: C. high returns
Explanation: Risk-return tradeoff is an investing theory which indicates that as higher the risk, the greater the return reward. In order to determine an acceptable risk-return tradeoff, investors need to weigh several aspects, including total risk exposure, the ability to substitute missing capital, and more.
20 years (scenario A) and 16 years (scenario B)
The real GDP will double in "n" number of years, with "n" estimated by interpolation using the formula below.
In the solutions below, we assumed current GDP to be 1, and as a result, the GDP will double to 2.
Scenario A
When you substitute 20 for "n" in the left hand side (LHS) of the equation, you will arrive at 1.99 which is approximately equal to 2. Any number below 20 will result in a number less than 2.
Thus, with an average annual real GDP growth rate of 3.5%, real GDP will double in about 20 years.
Scenario B
When you substitute 16 for "n" in the left hand side (LHS) of the equation, you will arrive at 2.02 which is approximately equal to 2. Any number below 16 will result in a number less than 2.
Thus, with an average annual real GDP growth rate of 4.5%, real GDP will double in about 16 years.
No, its okay not to use all that extra stuff, so F