Telecommuting is an alternate work place arrangement like work from home, library or any place very near to home.
By allowing Angela to telecommute, company is experiencing;
A. Increased productivity
A 2014 Stanford study says call centers employees who work from home increase productivity by 13%
B. Reduced Turnover.
Employee turnover is costly proposition. When employee will work from home he will be happier and not think to leave position which can cause an add up savings for employer for a long run
C. Increased Morale.
It is also a turn over for a company. Employee who works from home feels himself a valuable which increases his morale. Telecommuters tend less stress and much happier than office going workers.
D. Environmental Friendly.
Telecommuters don't take it as a work. They enjoy it as they are free of stress.
E. Economically sound
Its not only telecommuters who can take financially benefits but it is estimated that company can approximately save $11000 on each employee annually.
Centralized Organization
Centralized organization can be defined as a hierarchy decision-making structure where all decisions and processes are handled strictly at the top or the executive level.
d. Differentiation
Under differentiation strategy, the company differentiates it's products from those of the competitors by the addition of unique attributes which gradually create brand loyalty for such products.
Product differentiation can be accomplished by different packaging, labeling or using different promotional strategies.
Such differentiation may lead to the brand gaining competitive advantage.
In the given case, Armani employs product differentiation strategy for it's products which are targeted at niche category of customers i.e royal customers.