The best method of distributing the resources is Equity.
Under the equity method of distribution, the resources are paid on the basis of their performance. This method focuses on the performance of the employees. More the hard work more will be the bonus. It is a fair method of distribution of resources.
Weakness 1 is signed paper are not stored in safe and secured location.
Weakness 2 is approval is not taken from any manager or person before purchasing the item from customers.
The store should keep a track in the system for the purchase of items from its customers. The store should get approval before purchasing the product and the cash dealing should be assigned to designated person who will be responsible for the payment to its customers. This will reduce chances of fraud as the cash will be handled by only one person and tracking will be easy.
Conjoint studies are run to understand how
consumers make TRADEOFFS. Tradeoffs is a technique wherein the person
literally reduce an outcome in order to achieve a more desirable result that is
beneficial to that person. In conjoint studies, people will weigh the product
by its features and uses and will choose what is the most preffered feature to
the least preferred feature.