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d. the firm will lose $750
marginal cost is the derivate of the cost function: It represent the cost of producting an additional unit
cost: 750 + 5q
dC/dQ = 5
We have determinate that marginal cost is $5 thus, we should price at the same value. The mistake from the goverment is to equalize marginal cost with price instead of marginal revenue.
This will make the firm loss the fixed component of the cost as will sale to pay up the variable cost.
The fixed cost is $750 so that is the loss from operations
Black mail just dont fire them either blackmail them or make them sign a contract
Products that have neither immediate appeal nor long-run benefits
A product represents a bundle of utilities created by a producer to satisfy a want.
A deficient product as the name suggests, would refer to such products which are deficient in attributes that represent a customer want and the ones which fail to satisfy customer wants.
Those products who do not conform to a particular quality standard or whose performance is below par as per customer expectations would be termed as deficient products.
Sometimes, organizations deliberately create deficient products so as to induce repurchase of subsequent products depicted as improvements over the previous ones.
Such products lack current appeal and are neither expected to accrue to long term benefits.