Well after graphing the function. The domain and range would be all real numbers as there are no restrictions and the graph will keep on increasing for the X and y values.
Find out the what was the insurance company's payment .
To proof
As given
Sally Jones pays $50.00 a month for group health insurance
There is a $300 deductible
Her medical bills for the last year were $2,600.00
Linda's insurance company provided payment of 80% of the bills less the deductible.
The amount of money you will pay in an insurance claim before the insurance company starts paying you.
medical bill reducing the deductible = $2,600 - $300
= $2300
80 % is written in the decimal form
= 0.8
than the equation becomes
Linda's insurance company provided payment = 0.8× 2300
= $1840
Therefore the the insurance company's payment be $1840 .
Hence proved
Step by step explanation:
Given that,
Solving for (f•g)(x):
Now substitute the given values.
Apply distributive property:
Hence,f•g(x) will be .
Step-by-step explanation:
by dividing in half, it shows both sides are equal/symmetric
hope this helps:)
Step-by-step explanation:
by use of calculator