It is how bright is is t the observer on wuld be c!!
this any help?
Answer: The complimentary strand will read ATG CCC GTC GTA TTT TAG
The complimentary strand to the replicating DNA molecule is known as messenger RNA (mRNA).
The mRNA directs specific bases to pair the existing base on the replicating DNA strand:
- Adenine (A) pairs only with Thymine (T)
- Guanine (G) pairs only with Cytosine (C)
So, to obtain the complimentary strand of TAC GGG CAG CAT AAA ATC, substitute each letter with its base pair.
Thus, the complimentary strand will read ATG CCC GTC GTA TTT TAG
It is because we are, this is the first time in human history, where we have technology and science is widely accepted, without being ridiculed by religious figures.
Glassy, because luster refers to its ability to shine/sparkle etc