see below
Personal income is the total earning an individual gets from wages, investments, bonuses, dividends, profits, or other ventures. It is the sum of a household income. Personal income is calculated per period, usually one year.
Economic conditions refer to the prevailing state of a country or region's economy. Economic conditions are ever-changing and are influenced by business cycles of expansions and contraction, government fiscal and monetary policies, macroeconomic factors, and global factors. Governments and investor use indicators to tell the state of the economy
Economic conditions impact people's and business income. Government policies and global economics influence the level of economic activities. The expansion period has increased economic activities are leading to increased incomes. At contraction, business activities decline, resulting in reduced income.
The more education a person has, the more likely that they are to be valuable to their owners,because they would be considered "smarter" than their peers and able to get more work done. This means that answer to the question is A. Education may make a worker more valuable to employers.
Once upon a time there was a american male named NF. He was the lord of the flies. He ruled all flying insects and he used them against his enemies. Which were humans and spiders. You see, humans kill all bugs that they see... and spiders feed on whatever FLIES into their web. In NF's eyes, they were his insects' natural predators. So what he would do is get a group of flying insects (that contains like 100,000 a pack) and when humans try to attack or swat at them in any way... they would eat all the flesh of the bones on their face in 2.5 seconds. His buddies were so dangerous and well known that this was a worldwide thing. Nf wasn't always a man with a giant army behind him. He grew up poor... living on a bus stop. No mom. No Dad. Nf was so filthy, that bugs had surrounded him everywhere he went. At nighttime, when he was bored, he'd always talk to insects. And his imagination was so big, That he thought they talked back. He was a ten at the time. Sometimes, when he asked for money, younger children used to laugh at him and called him “dirty boy.” He was walking to school one day. And a teacher had noticed him... she called out "where are your parents?". He didn't respond... but walked faster. She tried her best to keep up with him... but she couldn't. "WAIT NF.. HOW ARE YOU RUNNING SO FAST!!" She had reached the limit on her rusty old car. Which was only ninety-five miles per hour. His teacher got out of her vehicle and put her glasses on... and saw what was really going on. A huge group of insects (his lil crew) had been flying him. She had a heart attack and died once she realized what was really going on. There was a tale going around that when they found the body (body?), there was no meat... or no skin. Nf was then considered a very dangerous boy because he was the last one to see her before her death day. They had absolutely no evidence on how he committed the murder, but still... he was guilty. HE WAS ARRESTED AT THE AGE OF TEN. No prisoner had enough guts to even go near him. HE SERVED 2 YEARS FOR SOMETHING HE NEVER DID. He never had faced hunger... because his flies used to come in and bring him food. One day a police officer had discovered the group of flies on their way to the young boy. Police officer Pete was frightened and shot that bad boy twice. BOOM!! BOOM!! He hurt 500 flies. And because of the speed of the bullet... it had broken through the metal bars... and shot NEAR Nf's face. He was afraid. And cried for help. A pack of police officers had rushed through the door and saw officer Pete lying on the ground. Dead. No meat. No skin. No living thing besides NF. The flies had disappeared . How? No one ever knew (at the moment). But they rewinded the security cameras. And saw exactly what happened. NF was set free out of jail. Everyone that saw him called him “Lord of the Flies”. They tried to put him into a foster home.... but the flies quickly picked him up.The people didn't even bother to chase after him. Or try to find him. They knew that THOSE "INSECTS" were his bestest buddies. The word flew around quickly. Don't overthink the situation. Nf was no super villain or anything... he was just simply The Lord of the Flies.
A market economy is an economic system in which the decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are guided by the price signals created by the forces of supply and demand. The major characteristic of a market economy is the existence of factor markets that play a dominant role in the allocation of capital and the factors of production.Market economies range from minimally regulated free-market and laissez-faire systems where state activity is restricted to providing public goods and services and safeguarding private ownership, to interventionist forms where the government plays an active role in correcting market failures and promoting social welfare. State-directed or dirigist economies are those where the state plays a directive role in guiding the overall development of the market through industrial policies or indicative planning—which guides yet does not substitute the market for economic planning—a form sometimes referred to as a mixed economy.