The results of the presidential election of 1876 anger many Democrats because The Republican Congress gave the presidency to the Republican candidate.
It promised to implement major reform of the federal government.
Answer: C. The crew of the Enola Gay believed that the atomic bomb was the best way to force Japan’s surrender.
Stilborik's reflection illustrates how at the time, the bombing of Hiroshima seemed as the only way to stop the conflict and avoid further casualties. The war had dragged on for three months after Germany's surrender, Imperial Japan had not yet accepted defeat and many generals feared that in order to ensure an allied victory, Japan would have to be occupied the same way they had occupied Germany, which meant millions of futher military and civilian casualties. In order to end a war that could have dragged on for two more years according to some analysts, the U.S. dropped the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan's surrender without the need of a costly and brutal land invasion.
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses para evitar que los coreanos extiendan su gobierno comunista
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses a Corea del Sur para restringir la invasión del Norte. Fue un intento de contener el comunismo y ayudar a sus aliados. El comunismo según el Sr. Truman ha traspasado todos los límites para conquistar naciones independientes. Por lo tanto, EE. UU. Interferirá y utilizará la invasión armada e incluso estará listo para tener una guerra para evitar cualquier otra intrusión del reinado coreano.