H(x) = x - 5
However, it had a domain of all real numbers such that x does not equal 3, since that would cause you to divide by 0.
The answer to 4-6 is negative 2
If there are n people, each person could shake hands with 0 people, 1 person, 2 people,... on up to shaking hands with n − 1
people. Count how many different answers there are to asking the person the question "How many hands did you shake?" How many people are there? If the people are the pigeons, and the possible answers to the question "how many hands did you shake" are the holes, can we conclude anything yet? No? How about now noticing that at least one of the holes "I shook hands with noone" or "I shook hands with everyone" has to be empty... now what?
"Since there are more pigeons than holes there must be a hole with at least two pigeons in the same hole" Now, replace the word "pigeons" and "holes" with the appropriate terms for the context of your specific question, remember we are talking about people and number of handshakes they participated in.
7 to the second power... because 7 times is 49 and 49-49 is 0... so 7 to the second power
The sample space is:
- (T,N): table height and brown
- (T, W): table height and white
- (T, K) : table height and black
- (B, N): bar height and brown
- (B, W): bar height and white
- (B, K): bar height and black
- (X, N): XL height and brown
- (X, W): XL height and white
- (W, K): XL height and black
The <em>sample space </em>is the set of all the possible outputs, i.e. the possible different combinations that can be choosen.
Use the letters T, B, and X to represent, respectively, table height, bar height, and XL height,
Use letters N, W, and K to represent, respectively, the colors brown, white and black.
Each combination consists of a height (T, B or X) and a color (N, W, K); thus, your sample space shall have 3 × 3 different combinations. These are:
- (T,N): table height and brown
- (T, W): table height and white
- (T, K) : table height and black
- (B, N): bar height and brown
- (B, W): bar height and white
- (B, K): bar height and black
- (X, N): XL height and brown
- (X, W): XL height and white
- (W, K): XL height and black