Answer: Reminder advertising
Companies such as Lancôme often use ___reminder_____ advertising to convince consumers to take action such as switching brands, trying a new product, or even continuing to buy the advertised product.
Reminder advertising is aimed at reminding the customers of an already established campaign to continue patronage. It is used as a follow up to recapture their interest when am improved version of the same product in produced.
The Kapu system was a forbidden act practiced by the Hawaiians. They used this system as a set of laws that regulated the dos and donts of Hawaiians. At the time, there were a lot of Kapu, which were greatly affecting every aspect of life. Any act or behavior or even item that Hawaiians termed kapu were seen as sacred or forbidden, thus if one was to break the rule, the punishment was death unless you can find refuge at the pi'uhonua. One of such kapu was men and women eating together.
Debbie ryan cameron boyce
Popular Sovereignty is the idea that power comes from the People. Prior to the Constitution, Power came from a King, Queen, or special class (nobility or priests). Power was concentrated within one person. The idea that a common person had the same rights as one from a noble class was revolutionary and went against all the teachings of the day. The idea that common people had the power to overthrow a ruler for being corrupt was even more revolutionary. The Constitution was often referred to as the "Grand Experiment" because none of the Founding Fathers were sure if it would actually work.