Each time a cell prepares to divide into 2 new cells, it must make a new copy of the DNA in its chromosomes. This process is not perfect, and errors can occur that may affect genes within the DNA. Cancers can be caused by DNA mutations (changes) that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumor suppressor genes.
The G0 phase (G sub zero) or the zero of G is a period of the cell in which it remains in a vegetative state. The G0 phase is seen as a distinct and quiet stage that occurs outside the cell cycle. This phase is related to the "Post-Mitotic" state because they are in a non-dividing phase outside of the cell cycle; some cell types (such as neurons and heart muscle cells) when they reach maturity (that is, when they are terminally differentiated) become post-mitotic (enter the G0 phase), and perform their main functions for the rest of the life of the organism. Poly-nucleated muscle cells that do not undergo cytokinesis are often considered G0 phase cells.
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