The correct order is
1. High School Diploma, from High School.
2. The Associate in Arts (AA) in Mathematics from the Community College.
3. The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from College.
The constitution day celebrates the day that the constitution was signed, every September 17th.
Naturalization refers to the procedure of becoming a naturalized citizen, in the case where the applicant was not born in the U.S.
The process starts when an individual becomes a green cardholder or a lawful permanent resident of the United States. Secondly, he or she needed some living history in the U.S before applying for naturalization. Personal requirements include that the applicant must be capable of speaking, writing, and reading in English. Then they l need to pass an exam to prove your language skills. And the final steps including an interview with a USCIS office and swearing the Oath of Allegiance.