Reproductive success
Reproductive success refers to the successive passing of a particular gene from generation to another
Evolutionary psychologist studies human behaviour using informed biological approaches and modern evolutionary perspective. This school of thought emphasize that evolution has influenced humans to provide a mating advantage through processes of natural and sexual selection. This evolutionary may be developed through adaptiveness to a variety of different environments
D. Each region established its own ''iron curtain'' to protect its interests
After the World War II, Western and Eastern Europe quickly diverged because of their politics. While the West was promoting democracy and market economy, the East was promoting communism and command economy. The strategic interests were intermingled, which led to lot of tensions, so there was a sharp division with artificial political boundary that was separating the two. As both sides were trying to spread their ideologies, but were also afraid of the influence of their opponent, they set ''iron curtains'' resulting in isolation between the two on pretty much every level.
Lord and Nobles (lord of the manor) who fought for king was given Fiefs (Portion of land) in return for their loyalty and services during the feudal system in Medieval Europe. However, king also grants lands known as fiefs to vassals in return of military services so that their land could be protected from Evasion by other rulers and further vassals can grant land to their salves and can ask for produce and services.
Answer:These resources, called productive resources, are often classified into three groups: natural resources, human resources, and capital resources. Natural resources (often called land) refer to resources such as coal, water, trees, and land itself. Raw materials used in production come from natural resources.
A. Dejean should respectfully tell his boss that his presence is required and that the employer must let him attend jury duty.