Sit up have both an upper body and lower body rating
Besides solar fluctuations, the amount of radiation is also affected by small particles called aerosols. The more aerosols are present in the atmosphere, the less solar radiation reaches the Earth. Large quantities of aerosols actually help to cool down the Earth and to temper ('dim') the greenhouse effect.
Simple. Person A adopted person B as his son...soon to realize he adopted his grandson. How could this happen? Person A's daughter died in a car crash, leaving person B an orphan. Person A was never told that Person B's mother had a son. About 5 years later, Person A decides he wants to adopt a boy. He goes to the local orphanage were all the wild children laid. There, he found Person B, not knowing who he was and what he had been through. Person A adopted Person B as his son and ta da! The mystery's of life.
(This is so informal, but I believe it's enough to answer your question)
"Hoped this helped" :)
Oh and, this triggers a new plot for a new story, thank you!
Engaging in physical activities (such as exercise) helps in maintaining good health. Exercise assists in breaking down excess fat in the body (thus preventing obesity) which on the long run could lead to atherosclerosis; thus it can be said that exercise reduces the risk of heart diseases since atherosclerosis is a risk factor for several heart diseases.
Physical activities also help to maintain blood sugar levels - this is done by the muscle cells that use up more glucose (from sugar) during exercise. Thus, as the glucose is taken up (by insulin) and then broken down the cells, less glucose is present in the blood.
Physical activities also assist in improving brain function; as the heart pumps more oxygen during this period, the brain also receives a good portion of this oxygen and some other hormones which makes a good environment for brain cells.
From the benefits discussed above, it can be seen that exercise can help in the prevention of some diseases (such as diabetes, obesity, brain damage) and can also help in reducing the risk of some diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases).