At the cellular level indicate that the living organisms are made up of the smallest building blocks called cell. It refer to unicellular organisms i.e organism with one cell.
At the cellular level, membranes; for the whole organism, the skin is Reproduction because a single parent cell divides into two cells (offsprings), two divides into four cells and so on. It is called cell division and cell reproduction because a single cell skin divides to produce many cells.
Helium is extracted in a few places in the world, namely USA, Algeria, Russia and Qatar. Helium is abundant in space, where it's produced as a product of the fusion reaction inside stars such as the sun.
Both contain genetic material, in the form of DNA and/or RNA. Both of them can replicate, that is, produce more organisms similar to themselves. ... They require a host cell to carry out life processes, such as replication and carrying out genetic instructions, etc. Bacteria are relatively bigger in size than viruses.
Random fertilization allows random combination of genetic information, which helps synthesize genetically unique gametes. The fusion of a unique sperm together with a unique egg can introduce further variation.