American political organization that was founded in 1979 by Jerry Falwell, a religious leader and televangelist, to advance conservative social values. Although it disbanded in 1989, the Moral Majority helped to establish the religious right as a force in American politics.
To cause a source to be biased means that it is influenced by your opinion or another factor that is not factual. Bias can take away from the credibility because it is not completely true, as a source should be.
3. True
5. True
7. judicial branch
8. the annual number of live births
9. unlimited
10. sovereignty
27. Benjamin Franklin
28. civic duty
30. True
33. Representative Democracy
34. to find the size of each state's population
36. all children can receive an education
37. enforcing the laws
38. False
39. False
Explanation: direct control of Vietnam by the United Nations.
For Lincoln, allowing American democracy to succeed was compatible with the ideal of freedom; allowing secessionists to destroy it (in response to a democratic election) was not. In other words, Lincoln did not believe that true freedom was letting states do their own thing--and letting the pillars of American constitutional democracy run amok--but instead, in maintaining a union where the great experiment of democracy could flourish. As Lincoln himself said quite clearly in the Gettysburg Address, he was committed to making sure "...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." I suppose you can argue that Lincoln's vision of freedom was not worth the price, but you cannot deny that he had a vision of freedom--and that, for him, this vision was compatible with maintaining the historic, unprecedented political freedom that was achieved in 1776.