The grade must be calculated based on following pattern:
Average Mark RangeGrade91-100A181-90A271-80B161-70B251-60C141-50C233-40D21-32E10-20E2
Calculate Grade of Student in C++
To calculate grade of a student on the basis of total marks in C++ programming, you have to ask from user to enter marks obtained in 5 subjects. Now add marks of all the 5 subjects and divide it by 5 to get average mark. And based on this average mark, find grade as per the table given above:
// C++ Program to Find Grade of Student // -------codescracker.com------- #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i; float mark, sum=0, avg; cout<<"Enter Marks obtained in 5 Subjects: "; for(i=0; i<5; i++)
c. StringBuilder
An alternative to the String class would be the StringBuilder Class. This class uses Strings as objects and allows you to mix and match different strings as well as adding, removing, implementing, and modifying strings themselves as though they were similar to an array. Unlike the string class StringBuilder allows you to modify and work with a combination of strings in the same piece of data as opposed to having various objects and copying pieces which would take up more memory.
A Domain Based Security. "Domain Based Security", abbreviated to "DBSy", is a model-based approach that is being used in analyzing information security risks in a business context and offers an apparent, understandable and direct mapping among the risks and the security controls needed to handle them.
While A security domain is the list of items a subject is permitted to access. More largely defined, domains are collections of subjects and objects with related security requirements.
In order to buy stock, you must go and find a stock broker. You do not always need a broker, but it is more convenient to have one to manage your stock. It also makes your life in the market easier. The broker will manage your shares and you tell him when you want to buy or sell your stock.
Answer: data
Data refers to symbols or numbers that aren't meaningful. It's an an individual unit which consists of raw materials. Data hato be interpreted in order to become meaningful. They are fact or figures. Examples of data include 24, London, 144 etc.
Information on the other hand is a data that has been processed. e.g. Bob has an aggregate score of 144. Based on the question given, the number 144 is a data as it isn't meaningful yet.