You can always call into the bank that you have the credit card from. Or call the service number, or contact a financial adviser
In my opinion she shouldn't release the "confidential" information. This may put her job at risk. And I wouldn't jeopardize myself for other people. Instead she may help them in other ways after they have been laid off.
Hope this helps ya!
many buyers and sellers
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this situation violates the perfect competition assumption of many buyers and sellers. This is a model that many buyers and sellers in a competitive market agree on a single market price, and that no individual has influence over the price. Therefore if a single company, like Dell in this scenario, is able to influence the price then it is violating this assumption.
The correct answer is gross income multiplier.
Gross income multiplier is the figure used as a multiplier of the annual gross income of a property to produce an estimate of the value of the property. Number used to estimate the Value of a Property. Gross property income is multiplied by this figure.
Julie is focused on the control managerial function when she measures performance and corrects as necessary. There are five types of management functions and they are planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and control. In the control stage it allows managers to determine how much or how little control over the organization and their employees they wish to have.