So here first you have to have same denominators to subtract and add.
to make same denominator you have to multiply something to them which meets up to their lowest common multiple (LCM). so here the easiest thing is multiply each denominator to the other but remember you have to multiply them to the numerator too.
so it becomes
as you cant bring to its simplest form since the answer in a prime no. leave it like that.
Answer: Keke, do you love me? Are your riding?
Idk either.
Tips: make it something about money, and the k should stand for kittens
divide by two
- (+2)(-3)(-1)(+4)=
- (-6)(-1)(+4)
(6)(-4) = -24
Answer: True.
The ancient Greeks could bisect an angle using only a compass and straightedge.
Step-by-step explanation:
The ancient Greek mathematician <em>Euclid</em> who is known as inventor of geometry.
The Greeks could not do arithmetic. They had only whole numbers. They do not have zero and negative numbers.
Thus, Euclid and the another Greeks had the problem of finding the position of an angle bisector.
This lead to the constructions using compass and straightedge. Therefore, the straightedge has no markings. It is definitely not a graduated-rule.
As a substitute for using arithmetic, Euclid and the Greeks learnt to solve the problems graphically by drawing shapes .