Hello! For this question, we will have to subtract fractions. In order to do this, we will have to convert the fractions into the same denominator. We do this by finding the LCD of the two numbers. In other words, we find the LCM. The LCM of 5 and 4 is 20. 4/5 converts to 16/20, and 1/4 converts to 5/20. Let's subtract these numbers like we would regular numbers. 6 16/20 - 3 5/20 is 3 11/20. There. Jordan bought 3 11/20 yards more pink ribbon than purple ribbon.
875 miles times 500 miles per one inch, equals 1.75 inches on the map!
The larger number is 10 - x.
2(10 - x) - (-20)
20 - 2x + 20
40 - 2x
Using the quadratic formula to solve 11x2 - 4x = 1, what are the values of x?Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation: