B. The second most abundant ingredient by weight.
The ingredients written in the ingredient label are written in ascending order of abundance present in that product.All the quantities written on the ingredient label are measured by weight.
So if the olive oil is written on the second number it means that the olive oil is the second most abundant ingredient in that product by weight.
This is of course subjective, but in general, compromise if often wise
in political situations in which people share resources. It is not wise when violations of basic human rights are involved.
The answer to this question is 15%.
This amount of depression rate is directly correlated with boththe amount of workloads required to pass the semester (including tests and homework) and the pressure to socially adapt and accepted by their peers within their social environments.
In Renaissance times,writer were interested in individual experiences and in the world around them. .......The study of science changed during the Renaissance because the humanist spirit took hold and people started carefully started observing the world around them.