The correct answer would be 42 percent of Pedestrian fatalities resulted from persons improperly crossing the roadways or intersections, walking, playing or working in the roadways in 2005.
When people use the roadway or intersections to cross the roads, they must be very careful while crossing. Their small mistake can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. They must adhere the road crossing rules every time they cross a road or intersection. According to a research in 2005, 42 percent people died while crossing roadways or intersections due to their careless behavior of walking, playing or working in the roadways. This is indeed a big percentage which shows that people pay less attentions to their safety while crossing roads.
some of the Incas used camels/lamas to transport the trade across their dirt road is you look on google maps you can see their roads
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
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Las dos causas que provocan la violencia de género son las siguientes.
1.- Sentido de superioridad.
Esto significa que el hombre tiene la errónea creencia de que es un ser superior a la mujer por el simple hecho de ser físicamente más fuerte. En actitudes extremas esto conlleva al machismo, en el que el hombre trata de manera grosera y algunas veces humillante a la mujer porque la considera inferior.
2.- El conservador papel de la mujer.
Otra causa es la equivocada idea de que la mujer sólo sirve para tener hijos, criarlos y atender las necesidades de la casa. Este equivocado criterio ha imperado por años.
Los hombres que piensan así, no quieren que sus mujeres estudien, trabajen y progresen. Esta es una muestra de inseguridad de los hombres que se sienten presionados y temerosos de sus mujeres puedan ser más exitosas que ellos.
The Italian city-states were a political phenomenon of small independent states mostly in the central and northern Italian Peninsula between the 9th and the 15th centuries.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, urban settlements in Italy generally enjoyed a greater continuity than in the rest of western Europe. Many of these towns were survivors of earlier Etruscan, Umbrian and Roman towns which had existed within the Roman Empire. The republican institutions of Rome had also survived. Some feudal lords existed with a servile labour force and huge tracts of land, but by the 11th century, many cities, including Venice, Milan, Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Lucca, Cremona, Siena, Città di Castello, Perugia, and many others, had become large trading metropoles, able to obtain independence from
Differences between Eastern and Western Coastal Plains are:
1. The Eastern Coastal plain lies along the east coast of India and is washed by the Bay of Bengal whereas the Western Coastal Plain lies along the west coast of India and is washed by The Arabian Sea.
2. The East Coast plain runs smoothly from the north to the south with a broad plain and level surface whereas the West Coast plain also runs from the north to the south and it is in some places intersected by the mountain ridges.
3. The large rivers make wide deltas on the Eastern Coastal Plains. But the short swift rivers do not make any deltas on the West Coast.