The scientist was Ivan Pavlov
He was a Russian scientist, who performed multiple research on dogs. He is best know for his experiments in classical conditioning.
Answer and explanation:
Following points should be kept in mind while doing or observing CPR.
1)Rate should be 100-120 compressions per minute.
2)Compression depth should be atleast 2 inches.
3)Push hard and fast.
4)Interruptions of almost 10 seconds
5)Give effective breaths to make the chest rise.
I believe you should take a year off and do every prereq you can get at a local college or university. a way to check that would be to go on a computer and pull up the local college, and the college you set your mind to long term. so for instance LTC (long term college) may have a prereq Bio 213 and maybe you LC (local college) has a Bio 217. you would call the LTC and say hey, does your Bio 213 line up with LC Bio 217. Most of the time they will say yes. It saves a LOT of money.
He does not have a well-defined goal or self-monitoring habits. is the most likely reason that Brian can't qualify
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