The answer is <u>"B. type II B fast-twitch muscle fibers that respond quickly and provide her with speed and strength".</u>
Fast-twitch muscles separate into two classes: moderate fast-twitch (type IIa) and fast-twitch (type IIb or IIx). Moderate fast-twitch muscles are thicker, faster to contract, and destroy more quickly than slow-twitch. Fast-twitch, the most ground-breaking and least in continuance, are initiated when the body nears greatest effort.
Here's the means by which it works: During aerobic activities, for example, running or swimming, slow-twitch fibers are the first to contract. At the point when the slow-twitch fibers wind up drained, fast-twitch fibers start to assume control.
Oxygen bleach is hydrogen peroxide with sodium and sometimes sodium carbonate (washing soda) added. Oxygen bleach is a gentler and less toxic alternative to chlorine bleach, so it can be used on all sorts of washable fabrics.
Chlorine bleach is much stronger than oxygen bleach, but it is not good for every fabric and has a very harsh smell.
The first drug people tend to abuse is tobacco. I hope this helps! :)