Remember, you can have a credit card account without carrying any debt on it. Credit card debt is certainly a bad idea, one that can cost you a lot of money and damage your credit scores. But credit cards themselves are simply tools to buy stuff. As a credit card user, you decide whether you’ll use those tools in a manner that works for you… or against you.
Is true I answered and got it good
Utterly true.
I once asked my wife to teach me to draw an Erlenmeyer flask. She showed me, and she's a good teacher. Then she said "Draw 50 of these. By the time you've done that, you should see how the lines work." She was wrong. My first flask was no worse nor better than the 50th one and I never did see how the lines worked.
I can do math, but my drawings look like I never graduated from Grade 1.
Clandestine graves are of interest to forensic taphonomy because criminals try to hide evidence of their acts.
- The work of clandestine graves is to do forensic investigations. There will be many forensic investigation cases. Criminals try to escape from those investigations.
- So clandestine graves have many interests in investigating the forensic taphonomy. After investigating the event the witness should match the case of the incident. Using particular information the clandestine graves should investigate the incident. They have to make criminals tell the truth of the incident.