4. The suspected causative agent must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
Robert Koch (1843-1910) was one of the most important bacteriologists of all time. Famous for discovering the tuberculosis bacillus (precisely on March 24, such as today, in 1882), he also discovered the cholera bacillus and is considered the founder of bacteriology. He worked on the isolation of infectious agents and reinfections from pure cultures, experiences from which he established the "Koch Postulates".
These postulates have been taken as a reference that describes the etiology of all the causative agents of an infectious disease, although they were originally used to describe only the tuberculosis bacillus. They are the following:
1- The agent must be present in each case of the disease and absent in the healthy.
2- The agent should not appear in other diseases.
3- The agent must be isolated in a pure culture from the lesions of the disease.
4- The agent has to cause the disease in an animal that can be inoculated
Sedimentary rocks are most likely to find layers
Three proteins directly contribute to the proton gradient by moving protons across the membrane
The Electron transport chain is a group of proteins and molecules incrusted in the internal mitochondrial membrane and organized into four complexes, I, II, III, and IV. These complexes contain the electron transporters and the enzymes necessary to catalyze the electron transference from one complex to the other. Complex I contains the flavine mononucleotide -FMN- that receives electrons from the NADH. The coenzyme Q, located in the lipidic interior of the membrane, conducts electrons from complex I and II to complex III. The complex III contains cytochrome b, from where electrons go to cytochrome c, which is a peripheric membrane protein. Electrons travel from cytochrome c to cytochromes a and a3, located in the complex IV. Finally, they go back to the matrix, where they combine to H+ ions and oxygen, to form the water molecule. As electrons are transported through the chain, protons are bombed through three proteinic complexes from the matrix to the intermembrane space. These are complexes I, III and IV.
Sea turtle migration is the long distance movements of sea turtles. It may refer to adults or the offshore migration of hatchlings.