During the Soviet era, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (the R.S.F.S.R.) was subject to a series of Soviet constitutions (1918, 1924, 1936, 1977), under which it nominally was a sovereign socialist state within (after 1936) a federal structure. Until the late 1980s, however, the government was dominated at all levels by the Communist Party.
The New Testament is the document that standardized Christian beliefs.
New Testament is the second part of the Bible, which talks about Jesus and his miracles in more detail.
The death of Lenin affected the political environment in the Soviet Union through the leading to the power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky.
Correct Answer : Option C
During the assassination attempt over the Lenin, it made him incapable of any activity sticking to the wheelchair. Even during his lifetime of active phases, he always thought of as who would succeed him, and he always felt that Stalin is more powerful than he himself, and with this much amount of power Stalin becomes vulnerable and in a sort an incapable successor.
The death caused the struggle of power between the right wing of Stalin to conflict with left wing of Trotsky. Trotsky, provoked in the public and party for his position but he failed. at the end, Trotsky was expelled out from the Soviet Union.
we would be different because we would be divide so wo would be seprate and have different cultural ideas and have seprate laws and and government and maybe evne we might to be state we could be like south america and have contries inside a contnet pardon my spelling