central; peripheral.
Central route to persuasion: In psychology, the term "central route to persuasion" is defined as a process in which an individual is being persuaded by the "content" of a specific message.
Peripheral route to persuasion: In psychology, the term "peripheral route to persuasion" is described as a process in which an individual is being persuaded by something else except the "content" of the message.
In the question above, the given statement represents the central and the peripheral route to persuasion.
All of these are correct, except for D.
It was not Roosevelt and Stalin that made a secret pact; but rather Hitler and Stalin.
I think that the answer to the question is a. I think this because the question is asking about what evidence is given from Demosthenes to support the fact that Philip is a threat, so I chose Philip robbed and insulted them. I chose this because, the Philip killed their firstborn wouldn’t be very likely, Philip wants there friend probably was true but I don’t think that would be a very nice reason to assume that they are a threat and Philip sent them help doesn’t make sense for the question and what it’s asking. This is why I chose a.
It is in the number 4 have done this