Vor 416 bis 360 Millionen Jahren
Wurzeln waren eine frühe Entwicklung im Pflanzenleben und entwickelten sich an Land während der Devon-Zeit vor 416 bis 360 Millionen Jahren (Gensel et al., 2001; Raven und Edwards, 2001; Boyce, 2005; Kenrick, 2013).
Entschuldigung, wenn das nicht geholfen hat
I believe the left chamber has a higher concentration of neon gas because it has more neon atoms in it, and the right chamber has a higher concentration of helium gas because it has more helium atoms in it.
The geologist time scale was formed when scientists studied rock layers and index fossils worldwide. With this information, they placed Earth's rocks in order by relative age. Later, radioactive dating helped determine the exact age of the divisons in the geologic time scale.
This scale is organized by the 4.6 billion years of earth's history into sections based on important changes seen in the geologic record. The largest intervals are called eons, with each eon containing many millions of years.
In precambarian time the processes that affect Earth's surface have lessened the erosion on the surface. Earth was being hit by meteorites every second. Now there is water erosion and there wasn't back then. The surface changes have lessened over time.