The birth of Soviet Art was preceded throughout the 1920s by an era of intense ideological competition between different artistic groupings each striving to ensure their own views would have priority in determining the forms and directions in which Soviet Art was to develop, seeking to occupy key posts in cultural institutions and to win the favour and support of the authorities.
that's what i found i hope it helps you
and if it's okay I accept breinlies
There is very little water. Due to that animals were not as populated nor were humans in that area.
Answer: Although by the early 15th century, the caravel had highly admirable qualities, it was still far from ideal. The main reasons it was chosen for the exploration of the African coast were speed and the ability to sail windward. Such ambition also called for changes in the caravel as a ship of discovery.
Its economy, speed, agility, and power made it esteemed as the best sailing vessel of its time. The limited capacity for cargo and crew were their main drawbacks, but did not hinder its success. The exploration done with caravels made the spice trade of the Portuguese and the Spanish possibly.
Hope it help
assuming efficiency of each man to dig trench, in one day, for one hour is constant,

so one man, working for one hour in one day can dig 1.5 m
so 8 men, working 3 hours a day and will take, say $d$ number of days and efficiency will be constant. so,
$\frac32=\frac{220}{8\times3\times d}$
$\implies d=\frac{55}9=6.12$