Dr. Naismith first planned to bring outdoor games inside, but they were too physical and cumbersome.
Eliminate repeated words.
Other comments:
'Two' is a number. 'Too' means extra or more than expected-- too many, too much, too late. . .
Two should not be too many to count!
Also be careful to use correct verb forms (planned) (were) to express past tense.
indiana ocean
I think because Eastern Hemisphere refers to the area of the Earth east of the prime meridian and west of the International Date Line. This includes much of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the islands of Oceania. A map centered on the Eastern Hemisphere will have the Indian Ocean basin at the center.
Could you please explain that
By suggesting Hottah's helpfulness and his. knowledge of the man in the West, they foreshadow. a happy ending for Ithenhiela.