<em>Hello Kirenya, I recommend going to the link below. It is from Colgate so it should help you a lot. I hope this helps and if you need more help just ask. Have a nice day!</em>
<em>Link: https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/gum-disease/bleeding-gums-and-other-warning-signs-of-gingivitis-0513?gclid=CjwKCAjwza_mBRBTEiwASDWVvo_et869pPrZ0jvugs8GD6j_fJPu_siate7cRUMEDaA8LGRPKvyIIBoClj0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&</em>
I'd need the answer choices to give you an exact answer but you could have your identity stolen.
D. Minerals
regulates the activity of the heart,
brain, and nerves and is found in body tissue
I would say the answer is D.
A lot of kids at party's drink heavily, Some don't drink and others drink moderatly