Radio telescope picks up the radio spectrum of electromagnetic waves from celestial bodies (just like telescopes like the Hubble pick up visible light – only that radio waves are invisible to our eyes). They are therefore used to detect objects in space that produces radio waves. Examples are quasars and pulsars. Radio telescopes also enable astronomers to be whats beyond gas and dust in space that blocks out most of the visible light spectrum.
A liquid can not be a crystalline
He did research in genetics.
Genetics is qualities, hereditary variety, and/or heredity in living creatures. It's the largest field of science, however, meets every now and again with numerous other life sciences and is firmly connected with the investigation of data frameworks.
1. Cell Wall
2. Amount of Vacuoles
3. Plastids
4. Size
5. Plasmodesmata
1. Animal Cells dont have cell wall, while Plant Cells do.
2. Animal Cells contain many/ multiple vacuoles, while Plant Cells only contain one.
3. Animal Cells dont have plastids, Plant Cells do have (eg. Chloroplasts)
4. Animal Cells are larger in comparison to Plant Cells
5. Animal Cells dont have plasmodesmata while Plant Cells do have.
Because Stem Cells are more versatile and can be grown into a more variety of tissues, unlike adult cells.