some biggest challenges are
i) i need to control myself from wasting money on unimportant things .
ii) i have to use public transport often .
ii) i have to also face problem regarding my extra expenses such as dress , food and should buy how much i need .
A. The challenges and difficulties of feeding the world's population
Lifeboat Ethics is a metaphor for asset distribution proposed by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in 1974.
Hardin's metaphor depicts a raft bearing 50 individuals, with space for ten more. The raft is in a sea encompassed by a hundred swimmers. The "morals" of the circumstance originate from the issue of whether swimmers ought to be taken on board the raft.
Although there is not a current paragraph related here. According to the actual meaning of the word, vicissitudes, it is possible to say taht this word means difficulties (mainly related to difficult times), that are going to have possitive consequences. In other words, it is possible to say that it has a possitive and a negative meaning at the same time.
In poetry, 'free verse' is an open form of poetry, so there are no rhyming schemes, you can write whichever rhyme you want, and the meter (the accents and the number of syllables) is also random.
A 'haiku' is a short Japanese poem, consisting of 3 lines, where the first and last lines have 5 syllables, and the middle line 7.
Disfiguration of the child