Ya antes del fin del siglo XIX Ehrlich había usado el término "complemento" para designar la actividad del suero que podía complementar la capacidad de los anticuerpos específicos de lisar bacterias. Pero es Jules Bordet quien descubre (1895) este componente, caracterizado frente a los anticuerpos por su termolabilidad. En 1907 Ferrata comienza a caracterizar algunos de sus componentes recurriendo a métodos de diálisis. Por motivos meramente cronológicos, los componentes iban recibiendo denominaciones a base de números tras la letra "C" conforme se iban descubriendo. Por esta razón, su orden de actuación no guarda en general relación con su nomenclatura.
In the process of photosynthesis glucose is produced from carbon dioxide and water <span />
1 mph = 0.44704 mps 33 x 0.44704 = 14.75 mps
A minimum stream velocity <span>needed to keep a 6.4 cm diameter particle in motion must be 100 cm/s.
It can be concluded from Hjulstrome curve, a graph used to determine whether stream will transport, erode or deposit particles. The faster is the current, the heavier particles it could transport.</span>
C. They all use a cut and paste mechanism.
DNA transposons can go through a replicative or nonreplicative transposition.
The replicative transposition uses a "copy and paste" mechanism that consists of the introduction of a new copy of the transposable element in a new position, meanwhile <u>the old copy remains in the original position</u>. This determines an increase in the number of copies.
The nonreplicative transposition uses a "cut and paste" mechanism that consists of the cleavage of the transposable element from its position and its <u>insertion in a new position</u> without increasing the number of copies.
Retrotransposons, on the other side, move through RNA intermediates generated by the reverse transcriptase.