La historia de las matemáticas es el área de estudio de investigaciones sobre los orígenes de descubrimientos en matemáticas, de los métodos de la evolución de sus conceptos y también en cierto grado, de los matemáticos involucrados. El surgimiento de la matemática en la historia humana está estrechamente relacionado con el desarrollo del concepto del número, proceso que ocurrió de manera muy gradual en las comunidades humanas primitivas. Aunque disponían de una cierta capacidad de estimar tamaños y magnitudes, no poseían inicialmente una noción de número. Así, los números más allá de dos o tres, no tenían nombre, de modo que utilizaban alguna expresión equivalente a "muchos" para referirse a un conjunto mayor.1
taking ft/ siege of boston
Answer and explanation:
The school the alabama governor fought to keep segregated was the University of Alabama. About this issue, there was a well known event in which the governor of Alabama at the time, George Wallace, stood up at the front doors of the institution in a clear attempt at blocking said place's integration, and was confronted by US Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach.
C) The served as leaders of executive officers and gave him advice
Established in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Cabinet's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office. The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself*
P.S. I will not be held responsible for questions done wrong.
The main way in which coffeehouses contributed to the development of the Enlightenment was that they were centers for thinkers to meet and discuss ideas--leading to a great amount of "idea diffusion". The caffeine in the coffee also helped "fuel" discussions.