Yeah take the cat to a vet
A. the magnitude of an earthquake
our intuition about life is simply; it moves it eats and it reproduces.
But there is more to it than that.
When we get down to the microworld tiny organisms become less and less complicated and more like the natural world around them. So how uncomplex can it be before it isn't living? That is a hard question to answer.
scientists have a basic definiton or "check boxes" that somthing must fill before it is considered living. Here are some "check boxes";
move, respond to stimuli, reproduce and grow, respire(breathe), and are dependent on their environment.
If you have just 1 of these and you call it living it wouldn't work. For example you could say anything that grows is living. black holes grow. You may say that anything that reproduces is alive, well when a giant star explodes some of its gas collapses and forms other stars, so that is saying that a star is living.
We need psychology to understand how the brain works. Could this help you?