<span>Proverb “Feeding a cow with roses does not give
extra appreciation” means that you shouldn’t waste your effort and time on
people who can’t grasp the meaning and effort of your action to appreciate it
enough. In short, we could say that it means that you shouldn’t waste your time
on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Similar proverb can be “Casting pearl before
swine” which originated in Bible (Matthew 7:6, Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount).</span>
Hey there user! Pliz kindly the lines so that we can able to recognise the poetic device. Without the lines, We can't able to give you the poetic device. So pliz again ask question with those lines. :)
Doubt or diffidence
Its the opposite of the word!
I hope this helps! :D
The connection should br Texting and Driving for #1
I also am wondering, is this an adult putting in a real practice or are you in like 4th grade because this should be extremely easy.