To serve as president, one must: be a natural-born U.S. citizen of the United States; be at least 35 years old; be a resident in the United States for at least 14 years.
He thought the colony needed to attract many new settlers.
The slavery was a peculiar institution because the slaves used to show in the market as goods where they presented a pen or non-living things in the row.
The expansion and high demand of cotton increased the demand of labor. These workers (salves) were not paid by their owners. Their owners used them as a commodity and not as human being. They used to work for long working hours without any leave or other facility at the work place.
Food and security.
The presidios faced many challenges such as food and security of its people and struggle to maintain their control from the natives people and save themselves from native people that lives around them because the Spanish comes and captured their lands. Spanish soldier defend the newly captured territories and take on such a difficult job for their country's welfare, prosperity and for expanding influence of their country.