Answer: God keeps Adam in Garden of Eden in infantile (i.e. unconscious state). It means that Adam does not know what is good or bad and continues living total symbiosis with the God. Commiting sin (eating the apple from the tree of knowledge) and being expulsed from the garden he "is born", i.e. he becomes conscious. It means he becomes aware of his existence separate of the existence of God.
Lucifer (in the garden it is embodies in the snake) is a shadowy aspect of God, his left (sinister) hand whereas the Christ is good/light aspect of God. We can say that Lucifer (trans. "the one who carries the light, i.e. the one who enlightens things, who makes them conscious) is that part of divinity which split off (not integrated).
God is unconscious which is the reason why there is still an inter-play of light and dark. God becomes increasingly conscious precisely because of this interplay. God of the Old Testament is totally unconscious of his acts (perfectly visible in the Book of Job). Christ to fulfill his destiny and task here on the Earth needs Devil/Satan....without him there would be no Christ. It is like in the case of Prometheus ...he needs his adversary, Zeus...without his there would be no stealing of fire.
Explanation: Religions are products of human psyche. Unconscious of workings of psyche, old nations personified psychic powers as gods. So the good and the evil (enormously powerful forces within human psyche were personified as gods) were usually viewed as divine forces. Like that inner conflicts of the humankind were exteriorized.
Answer: "café com leite" (Coffee with Milk). It is a metaphor, of course. "Coffee" is for state Sao Paulo and "Milk" is for Minas Gerais.
Explanation: This alliance came into existence at the beginning of the 20th century and continued until 1920s. During 1920s started to degenerate. Sao Paulo tried to dominate rest of the country at all price and there was a group of states that did not like that (Rio Grande do Sul, Alagoas, Minas Gerais and others). Culmination took place in 1930 elections ....according to elections Julio Prestes was supposed to be a president, but there was a coup made by other states (led by Rio Grande do Sul, i.e. advocate and politician Getúlio Vargas). The coup took place in October 1930 and Vargas got to power. Constitution from 1891 ceased to exist and Vargas changed a political map of Brazil. New Era began: "Era Vargas".
The relationship between the Louisiana Purchase and political power was that it was seen as unconstitutional (and the Federalists argued this) to acquire this territory which spanned a huge region across the United States and Canada, but since Thomas Jefferson (who was then the President) had the final say, he decided this was because he had the most political power, so this showed he felt above the Constitution of the United States, because he had treaty power.
Your answer will be False, because papyrus is paper, which was back in the early times, and they used papyrus to carry food, but papyrus was not a fruit. According to this text, it says that "The ancient Egyptians used papyrus (which is paper) to make paper, baskets, sandals, mats, rope, blanket, etc." And that is why the answer is false.
Hope this helped!