What is means it that excaplin how physical fitness can affect all aspects of your physical mentl socal emotional academic and spiritual Health.
so this thing is saying that if you feel a certain type of way about your body then you should do something to change that. Like say for instance you have picked up a little wait. You have to me okay with what you are who you are and the way you look or you will never be happy. And it can affect your grades and it can affect you at work u need to love who u are.
Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company. in health care it is needed to make sure there is a balance for supplies used to keep people healthy and also pay wages to those who help
<u>Negative Reinforcement</u> is the process of strengthening a behavior by contingently withdrawing something displeasing.
Negative reinforcement is basically a part of operant conditioning in which the behaviour is increased by avoiding the negative consequences. Active avoidance of an aversive stimulus increases desired behaviour.
<u>For example</u> : Child increases his kind behaviour towards the younger brother to avoid getting scolded.
Well. You might have already thought of this but you can eat healthy foods like greens. And you can also exercise like stretching or going out for a 30 minutes run every day. These two thing do help your emun system witch fights off diseases. Also helpes you not get them as easaly