Become Metamorphic Rock. Easy Peasy :)
Answer: The complementary strand will be TGCAGCT.
Replication is a process of making identical copies of a DNA in the cell. It is a process by which the genetic information in a parent DNA is used to make two identical copies of DNA (daughter DNA) which are complementary to the parent DNA. Four bases are found in DNAs: Thymine, Adenine, Cytosine and Guanine. In forming the complementary strand, the bases in the parent strand pairs with appropriate bases. In base pairing, Adenine pairs with Thymine while Guanine pairs with Cytosine.
A= T while G = C.
1. meiosis 2. meiosis 3. meiosis 4. Binary fission 5. mitosis and meiosis 6. mitosis 7. meiosis 8. mitosis and meiosis 9. mitosis 10. Binary fission 11. meiosis.
The process of mitosis ad meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in eukaryotes. The type of cell division in prokaryotes including bacteria is the binary division in that they do not have nucleus.
Mitosis is a type of division that produces identical diploid cells as the parent diploid cell. It involves only one division and involved in replacement of damaged tissue and for growth and development.
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces unique daughter cells with genetic variation as a result of genetic recombination that occurs in the crossing over event in the interphase 1 of meiosis. This type of division involves two division (meiosis II and II) and also produces haploid cells. The parent cell is a germ line cell that was first diploid and then undergoes this form division producing haploid cells to be transferred to offspring.
Innate immunity
Innate immunity is also referred to as inherited or natural immunity. It is the type of immunity that one is born with. It is passed on from mother to offspring. This form of immunity is non-specific as it offers protection from many types of antigens.