Okay so I dont have all the answers, but one of the reasons it to have a fair country.
It has the possibility of creating one homogenous culture throughout the world, and distorting foreign cultures. Furthermore, it can be argued that Cultural Imperialism is prevalent in today's media climate, where core countries own the majority of global media and export their cultural values.
Ratificación es el proceso y el resultado de ratificar. Este verbo se refiere al hecho de afirmar, revalidar o sancionar algo. ... En el ámbito del derecho, se habla de una ratificación cuando un sujeto consiente que las consecuencias de un acto jurídico que, en principio, no lo afectarían, también lo alcancen a él.
The Hoplite was the main melee warrior of the Macedonian army, and consisted of using a dory, and a xiphos for backup. They typically formed phalanx as standard battle formations, and was rose to power during the reign of Alexander the Great, following the death of his father Phillip II.
Correct Answer: Art, music, and literature flourished.
Elizabethan Age was the period between 1558–1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign in England, in which great literary creativity and prolific writing emerged. It was during her reign that, London-centred culture of England, produced great poetry and drama such as Seneca, ( tragedy ) and Plautus and Terence, ( comedy ).